
Rabu, 06 April 2011

I’m glad!

I’m glad!


I’m glad! Really glad! Sooooo glad!

Thanks for you who make me like this.


Ssssstttt… You know? You make me in love. Fall for you for the idk know how many times. But, I really afraid to fall down to the sea full of tears. I hope, I wish, and I try to make myself sure. You will never did it again.

Hey! Once again! I’m so glad all I feel because of you! :*


sudah hampir jarang posting. padahal banyak ribuan kisah yang mau dibagi, dari speechless pas dapat hadiah duit 50rb dari sekolah karena nilai Bhs. Indonesia. trus ehem ehem. sekarang lagi fall in love gitu. and many more. coming soon aja yaa my lovely readers. Tanggal 25 UAN nihc. u,u wish me luck! Mohon doanya yaaa ;)


2 komentar:

Ewi mengatakan...

moga ujiannya sukses dek,,
klo udah ujian,, cepetan nulis yahh,,, kk tunggu :*

MRA mengatakan...

sipp kak.... I will! hoho